Underdogs: Biting Bad Customer Service in the Rear
A couple of days ago I was watching CBC's Marketplace (must be re-run season...) They have a series called Underdogs where they follow some Canadians as they fight companies over the crappy products and services they have been sold. While that part was okay, particularily watching managers squirm on camera the part that interested me more was a couple of the consumer relations experts they interviewed.
One of their experts, Lior Arussy, a customer relationship expert, says companies used to thrive on a customer service tactic that dealt with each consumer as an exception from the rule. Every customer with a complaint was told they were an anomaly – that no one else had ever encountered their problem.
Arussy says the internet blows the old “divide and conquer” tactic out of the water. “When consumers start seeing that this is a recurring pattern, that this is something that is happening to other customers and they get together via the web or other ways. Then the power starts.”On the web, a customer’s complaint gets seen and heard all over the world in seconds. And the record of that complaint is permanent.
Mr. Arussy, welcome to a proof of concept for that statement - Leaky Homes by Avi!
Marketplace's other expert, Lindsay Meredith says companies had better watch out because their indifference is breeding a new generation of underdog consumers who could turn out to be pretty rabid when it comes to getting the service they think they deserve.
"Should consumers be smarter, less naïve? You betcha they should and they’re getting that way by the second," he says. "The problem is you’re going to produce a whole generation of very hard-nosed, very foxy, very cynical, very vengeful and very litigious consumers. Is that the kind of marketplace you want to operate in as a corporation? Keep it up, boys, ‘cause you’re well on that path."
After reading that, I did send Marketplace my story. They did reply back, "Hello Craig, Thanks for your message. I'll pass your story along to our producers for consideration for a future show. Someone may contact you for more information." Who knows, maybe there will be some TV Cameras showing up at Homes by Avi, well besides this "targeted stories from your corporate message" hunk of marketing:
The Winner's Circle, with Terry Bradshaw. [16mb Windows Media File]
There is a fun continuity error in the video though, watch Homes by Avi Vice President Darren Soltes earring, it keeps changing sides...